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The Harmful Effects Of Plastic

The major difficulties faced by the respondents include shopkeepers not providing bags for carrying items, inconvenience caused due to carrying bags from home while shopping, alternatives not easily available and extra cost for carry bags, it said.This year, India has pledged to ban all single-use plastics by 2022 and also plans to introduce a campaign against marine litter.With a sample size of 3,600, the national study conducted by market research and analysis company Velocity MR found that 90 per cent of respondents are aware of the harmful effects of plastic and 85 per cent of the respondents are even aware of the ban on polythene bags.From our study, we clearly understood that while the people are aware of the adverse effects of plastic, the usage of this environmental poison is high, primarily due to lack China PETG shrink film of availability of proper alternatives," managing director and chief executive officer of Velocity M.The study also revealed that seven out of 10 respondents believe that the ban is only on the use of plastic carry bags and not on other variants of plastic such as pouches, garbage bags and containers."It has been observed that even with plastic ban in 25 states of the country, 15,000 tonnes of plastic is still procured from cities on a daily basis.The study was conducted in most of the major cities of the country, including Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmedabad and Pune.New Delhi: A majority of people are aware of the harmful effects of plastic on environment, but still use it due to lack of availability of cheaper alternatives, a study said.

Our Lives In The Past Three Decades

According to the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Delhi, the amount of waste collected and discarded at landfill sites exceeds the amount it can accommodate. The overflowing waste is not only polluting the surrounding land but also air and groundwater. Let us all switch over # to the use of biodegradable and paper plates, cups and other cutleries. It contains Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical which is proven to promote breast cancer cell growth and lower sperm counts. Out of these 10,376 tons, a day is an uncollected plastic. But, hardly ever we think about what happens to post the celebrations.Cutting down on plastic utensils, decorations and gift packaging during festivals is a good start to avoid the hazards of plastic usage.The plastic used in making these dishes and other storage containers is made using harmful chemicals. According to data released by civic bodies, every year about 50 tonnes of excess waste is collected in comparison to normal days on the very next day of Diwali.
Further, in Delhi alone, out of the total waste collected, a massive amount of 800 tons is only classified as plastic waste. But this is not a one-man job; to achieve this objective, we need to ensure a united front from both the general public and corporate set-ups. According to doctors, chemicals used in plastic has a high probability of causing diseases like cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinson&39;s, Infertility along with others.We all look forward to the festive vibes that Diwali brings along with it, especially friends and China PETG shrink film family gathering together for a celebration. United effort put up by the general public as  well as restaurants and other food providers is the only way to reduce plastic consumption.The dangers of plastic disposal are tremendous. It may cost a little more than the usual plastic, but in return will ensure good health for you and your family. It is high time that we change this habit. India is generating Tones of plastic waste rapidly, as per the reports by Central Pollution Control # Board (CPCB) 25,940 tones of plastic waste is added every day which almost equivalent to 9000 Asian elephants and 86 Boeing 747 jets.
Putting aside the harm caused by dumping plastic disposable, there is also the health risks associated with using plastic vessels. Often to avoid workloads during the festival, people serve food in plastic vessels. Letspread joy and happiness and not plastic. But when it comes to ‘Single-Use Plastic-Free nation, we are far behind and there is still a long road ahead.Plastic has become an unavoidable part of our lives in the past three decades or so.Over the years, we have developed a dependency on the use of plastic vessels. Many families are also using plastic vessels in microwave to re-heat food white is a cause of worry. An estimated increase of 62% has been witnessed in Sanitation and ODF since 2014. Pregnant women, infants, and children are especially at high risk caused by the usage of plastic. After we dump plastic waste; it is collected and further thrown into landfill sites. The very next morning the first sight on the roads is that of burnt crackers, polluted air and a huge dump of plastic disposable cutleries in a black garbage bag